Farmers had to plant seeds by hand if they did not have seed drills powered by horses or tractors. There are corn planters in our collections and a canvas seed spreader. Before threshing machines became common in Ontario in the late nineteenth century, farmers had to thresh by hand using wooden flails. They placed the sheaves of grain on a solid threshing floor and beat them with a flail. The grain fell out onto the floor and the farmers were able to fork away the straw. They then had to winnow the grain to get rid of the chaff, dust and any weed seeds.
Simple two handled corn planter, wooden with metal corn holding box. Corn is fed down metal tube. There is a small brush, which ensures only one seed goes into the ground at one time. D01157
One handled corn planter, painted red. To use the planter one pulls the handle up and pushes it down. 2013.26. D01158
Wooden corn planter. It has been cleaned and restored. D00964
Wooden grain flail came from Rawdon Township. 2013.11.1
Wooden corn planter marked King of the Field, OMCo. Otterville? Ont. This sort of corn jobber was used in the late 19th and early 20th century. 2013.17.1
Flail for threshing grain. The beater is bound to the handle with leather. String used to hold top of handle together. 2013.12.1
Early, centrifugal seed broadcaster with a canvas bag carried over the shoulder. These came into use after 1860. 2013.18.1
One handled corn planter. Painted red, worn. Pull up and push down a wooden board the pushes seed into the ground. D01156
Close up of wooden grain flail from Rawdon Township. 2013.11.1
Close up of a grain flail. The beater is bound to the handle with leather. String used to hold top of handle together. 2013.12.1
A wooden flail that belonged to a farmer in Rawdon Township, 2013.10.1
Close up of a wooden flail that belonged a farmer in Rawdon Township. 2013.10.1