At Farmtown Park, there are many different artifacts on display that are used to make butter, from the massive wooden churn in the Dairy Building to the dog-powered churn in the Discovery Centre. School children can make butter at Farmtown Park. They are given small vials of cream from the Stirling Creamery and after several minutes of shaking, they can see the butter fat separate from the whey. They can spread the it on crackers and try their own freshly-made butter.
Hastings County is has long been famous for butter and cheese making. Stirling Creamery, at the four corners in the centre of Stirling, makes different types of butter using traditional methods. You can watch through the plate glass window and buy butter directly from the factory store on Henry Street.
Swinging churn for butter. Swinging action churns the cream into butter. Open hatch on top for scooping out butter. Plugs removed to allow cream to be poured in via funnel. Filtered funnel to go into plug at bottom to drain off butter milk. 2013.680.1
Hand cranked butter churn in the General Store in Heritage Village.
Wooden bowl and paddle used for working butter to remove water, in the general store in Heritage Village.
Bottler for milk. Two spring nozzles on end of milk box for poring milk into bottles. Raised pad takes the bottles up and down. Press for putting on cap labels from tube. 2013.697.1
Hand powered butter churn in the General Store in Heritage Village.
Neutro activated cream aciditiy neutralizer. 250 lb net weight yellow storage drum with red and blue lettering. 2013.676.D01238
Large butter churn used in the Havelock Creamery. Wooden barrel spun by a motor attached to a drive belt. Square hatch on side for loading and emptying. Valve on one end for draining buttermilk. Made by De Laval-Vane. 2013.677.1
Small home butter churn by Dazey Churn & MFG Co. in St. Louis Missouri. Patented on December 18th, 1917. Vertical sitting hand cranked with a square churn box and wooden paddles inside.
65 lb round barrel churn with buttermilk drain on end. Square hinged hatch to open top. Wooden paddles inside. Sold by Cherry Burrell Corporation. 2013.693.1
Dog-powered butter churn in the Discovery Centre.
56 lb Net wooden packing box for shipping of butter. 56 lb. as fits evenly into a long ton (2240 lbs). 775 - Caledonia Dairy Ltd. 2013.646.D01090
Wooden packing box for butter from Brant Creameries in Brantford, Ont. 2013.669.D00533
Cooler for cooling milk after it has been pasteurization. Several steel plates sealed with gaskets. Alternating spaces filled with milk or cold water. 2013.698.1
Butter wrapper for a 454 g print of Wildmere butter. 2013.725.1
Farm scene with a large maple leaf and a print of butter. All done in green and yellow.'It is better with butter. The flavour is nature's secret.' Painted on a stainless steel sheet. 2013.743.1
Wooden packing box for shipping butter from Madoc Creamery, Madoc, Ont. 2013.656.D00531
Small round stainless steel hand cranked butter churn. It has rectangular lid on top and a cork screw spigot for draining off the butter milk. Wooden paddles inside. 2013.695. D00568
Trent Valley Creameries in Cambellford and Keene. 56 lb. Net wooden packing box for shipping of butter. 56 LBS as fits evenly into a long ton (2240 lb.) 2013.632.D00549
Methyl blue test kit. Methyl Blue Test measured the bacteria content of milk. This kit contains one rack of test tubes. 2013.721.D00613
Agriculture Canada ID card for N.C. McWaters. Good until the end of 1978. 2013.731.1
Butter Manufacturing Record 121 sheet with a check list for each batch of butter. 2013.730.1
Small pasteurizer by De Laval used at Anderson Dairy in Cambellford. Held 850 lb of milk which was heated to 150 degrees farenheit. Heat applied to the outside and a central agitator moved the milk around. 2013.699.1
AA Brand Butter Colour.
100 lb net weight storage drum for Klenzade Kleer-mor synthetic detergent for better sanitation. Paper fiber body with labels. 2013.684.1
Small resealable wooden butter box for Belleville Creameries. Three bent nails on each end edge at top can be turned to lock the lid on 2013.618.1.
Alpha milk pasteurizer by De Laval. White body exterior and stainless steel interior coils. Two hinged lid doors. Made circa 1950 and used until 1998 at the Stirling Creamery. Held 3400 lbs of cream. Cream heated to 77 degrees celsius for 10 minutes. 2013.683.1
Small round metal hand cranked butter churn on legs. Wooden paddles inside. Rectangular lid on top, screw spigot on the end for draining buttermilk. 2013.696.1
Tin stencil for The Stirling Creamery Stirling, Ont. 2013.679.1
Dandelion Brand butter colour in a 3fl oz bottle. The paper label includes directions in English and French. Annatto is made from the seeds of the achiote tree, which grows in the trophics. 2013.722.1
De Laval butter churn manufactured in Peterborough in the 1940s for domestic use. In the Women's Institute farm kitchen.